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Sheet # 2/Multi-step Easter Math Problems

Name: _____________________ Date_____________

Explain and Show Your Work

1) The fourth grade at Bayou Chicot School is having an Easter Egg hunt. They will hide eggs for the kindergarten students. They want to hide 1 dozen eggs for each kindergarten child. If there are 19 kindergarten children in the school how many eggs will the fourth grade need to buy?

2) The Easter Bunny delivered 4 eggs each to Jennifer, Michael, Shannon and Robert on Saturday. He had 8 eggs left over so he delivered them on Sunday. If each child received the same number of eggs, how many did they get in all?

3) Lauren was going to dye Easter eggs. She had 1 dozen eggs to dye. Her mother bought her 2 more dozen to dye. Lauren wanted to dye an equal number of eggs purple, yellow, green, and pink. How many eggs of each color did she have?

4) Tiffany colored 3 dozen Easter eggs. Twelve of her eggs were blue. How many eggs did she color in all and what fractional part of them were blue?

Answers for Sheet #2

1) 12 eggs x 19 students = 228 eggs

2) 6 eggs each

3) 1 dozen = 12
3 dozen = 36 eggs.
Divide by 4 gives you 9 eggs per color

4) Colored 36 eggs in all. Fraction = 12/36 or 1/3 or 1:3