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Sheet # 3/Ballpark

Name: _____________________ Date_____________

Explain and Show Your Work.

1) Scott has 24 baseballs lined up in 4 equal rows on the playing field. How many baseballs are in each row?

2) Barry hit home runs last week, and 8 baseballs were lost to the fans each day for 3 days. How many were lost altogether in 3 days?

3) Brenda runs 4 laps around the ball field during practice each day. How many laps will she run if she practices every day for 7 days?

4) Sabrina ate 3 bags of peanuts at the ballpark. Her brother got sick because he ate 6 times as many bags of peanuts as Sabrina. How many bags of peanuts did her brother eat?

Answers for sheet # 3

1) 6 balls in each row

2) 24 balls

3) 28 laps

4) 18 bags of peanuts