Copyright © 1999, Inc, 2416 Ramke Place , Santa Clara, California 95050 . All Rights Reserved.

Sheet # 146

Name: _____________________ Date_____________

1. Mrs. Clark bought school supplies for her daughter. She bought 5 notebooks for 37 cents each, two packs of paper for 50 cents each, and a pack of pencils for $2.38. How much did she spend?




2. Mrs. Bailey bought a bag of candy for her students. The bag had 81 pieces of candy. How many pieces of candy will each of her 15 students get?




3. Sally bought school supplies. She paid 98 cents for paper, $20.00 for a book bag, and $3.78 for pencils. How much did she spend?





4. Sally wants to pay for her lunch for 5 days. A meal ticket costs $1.25. How much will she spend if she eats all week?





5. Fred bought supplies for the classroom. He bought a bottle of liquid soap for $1.88,tissue for $1.53, and a roll of paper towels for $1.23. How much did he spend?





6. Mrs. Smith bought cookies for her class. She bought three packs of gingersnaps. Each bag has 62 cookies in it. She has 12 students and each student gets a cookie each day, how many days would the students have cookies?





7. Sally bought drinks for her classmates. Each drink cost 55 cents and she bought 14 drinks. How much did she spend?