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Sheet # 11/Facts of Nine

Name: _____________________ Date_____________

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1. The 414 students in the Emerson School are having a Folk Dance Festival. In the circle dance, they need 9 students for each circle. How many circles can they make from 414 pupils?




2. Martha has 99 cookies to sell at a cookie sale. How many bags does she need if she puts 9 cookies in each bag?




3. George knows how to make a pinwheel out of 9 drinking straws. He has a package of 108 straws. How many pinwheels can he make?




4. Eighty-one Boy Scouts were divided into 9 patrols. There were the same number of Scouts in each patrol. How many Scouts are there in each patrol?




5. Ted had 72 rocks. Jim had 90. Each boy decided to store his rocks in cans with 9 rocks in each can. Who used more cans? How many more?




6. Tom had 189 marbles. He gave them away equally to 9 boys. How many marbles did he give to each boy?




7. Kelly drove 162 miles in 9 hours. How many miles did she drive in one hour?




8. One hundred eighty children must share nine classrooms. If an equal number of children occupy each room, how many children are there in each room?




9. A carton holds 9 bottles of soda. How many cartons can you fill if you have 243 bottles?




10. Kay has 207 pictures. She pasted 9 pictures in each row. How many rows could she make?