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Sheet # 71 Critical Thinking

Name: _____________________ Date_____________

Show and explain your work. Draw pictures or make tables to explain your answer.

If the area of square ABCD is 100 meters, what is the area of square EFGH?

Answer for sheet # 71

Side BC = 10 m since area is 100 and it is a square

Side BF = 10 cm/2 = 5 cm
BE = 5cm

Area of triangle = ( 5cm x 5cm)/2 = 12.5 sq. cm

Triangles: BEF, FGC, AHE, HDG are all congruent triangles.

Area of 4 triangles = 4 x 12.5 sq. com = 50 sq. cm

Area of the square EFGH = 100 sq. cm - 50 sq. cm = 50