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Sheet # 913

1)  What number goes in the box to make it true?

a) 6

b) 48

c) 24

d) 3

2) Each row in the number pyramid below equals 15. What numbers are missing from the pyramid?

a) 2 and 6

b) 7 and 2

c) 6 and 1

d) 1 and 8

3) A number rounded to the nearest ten is 550. When it is rounded to the nearest hundred, the number becomes 600. Which of these could it be?

a) 554

b) 545

c) 559

d) 549

4) What number goes in the box to make this number sentence true?

a) 15

b) 5

c) 2

d) 7

5) Which of the following number facts does not belong to the same family or group as 40 ÷ 8 = 5?

a) 8 x 5 = 40

b) 5 x 8 = 40

c) 40 ÷ 5 = 8

d) 40 x 8 = 320

6) The sum of two numbers is 10. Their difference is 6. What are the numbers?

a) 9 and 1

b) 9 and 3

c) 8 and 2

d) 8 and 1

7) Suppose you are estimating by rounding to the nearest ten. What numbers should you use to estimate 17 from 52?

a) 20 and 60

b) 10 and 60

c) 10 and 50

d) 20 and 50

8) The function table below shows input (x) and output (y) numbers. The rule used to change the input numbers to output numbers is shown in the table below. What number completes the table?

a) 28

b) 32

c) 23

d) 36

9) Michele had 10. 5 feet of wood. She used 9 feet to build shelves. Which of these shows how much wood she had left?

a) 10.5 + 9 =

b) 10.5 - 9 =

c) 10.5 x 9 =

d) 10.5 ÷ 9 =