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Sheet # 853

1. A fan club sells posters and stickers to its members. To cover postage and handling the club adds $6 to the total cost of the items a member orders. If P is the cost of the posters and stickers, what expression would show how to find the final price?

A. P + 6

B. P - 6

C. P x 6

D. P + 4

2. An artist designing a poster knows that the height of the poster will be 4 inches greater than twice the height of the picture. If H is the height of the poster, what expression would show how to find the height of the poster?

A. H + 4

B. 2H x 4

C. 2H + 4

D. H - 4

3. What number is 12 more than 82?

A. 70

B. 94

C. 102

D. 104

4. Sixteen is how much less than 42?

A. 24

B. 26

C. 48

D. 58

5. Jill weighs her cat by holding it in her arms and standing on the bathroom scale. She weighs 96 pounds. If S is the total weight of Jill and cat, what expression tells the weight of the cat?

A. S + 96

B. S x 96

C. 96 - S

D. S- 96

6. Cara collects 34 shells. If N stands for the number of shells she uses in her class project, what expression tells how many she has left?

A. N + 34

B. N - 34

C. 34 - N

D. 34 X N

7. Mr. Popp's class spends 3 hours each week on projects. If W stands for the number of weeks, what expression tells the total number of hours that was spent on projects during those weeks?

A. W+3

B. W-3

C. 3-W

D. 3xW

8. A stereo is on sale for $425. The buyer can choose the number of equal payments. If P stands for the number of payments, what expression tells the amount of each payment?

A. $425 + P

B. P- $425

C. $425 ÷ P

D. $425 x P

9. If B stands for the number of beanie babies you have, and your grandma will give you 5 beanie babies next week, then you will have 53. What equation shows how many beanie babies you will have next week?

A. B + 5=53

B. B - 5=53

C. 53 + 5=B

D. B x 5=53

10. N > 6

N <21

N is a multiple of 4

N is divisible by 3.


A. 8

B. 9

C. 12

D. 24

11) N = (8+2) x 8


A. 24

B. 66

C. 48

D. 80

12. N= (100 ÷ 4) ÷ (15÷3)


A. 5

B. 20

C. 4

D. 25

13. The grocery store charges 5¢ for every bag they use in packing groceries. If B stands for the number of bags used, what expression tells how much extra was paid for bags?

A. B + 5¢

B. B x 5¢

C. B ÷

D. B - 5¢

14. What is p x 9 when p=12?

A. 108

B. 21

C. 2

D. 3

15. What is t + 7 when t = 21?

A. 14

B. 28

C. 147

D. 217

16. What is e x 11 if e = 3?

A. 8

B. 14

C. 33

D. 311