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Sheet # 812

1) Which numbers on the number line are greater than 660?

a) 680 , 660 , 620 , 650

b) 690 , 670 , 700 , 680

c) 670 , 690 , 680 , 650

d) 610 , 700 , 650 , 670

2) Which numbers on the number line are less than 680?

a) 680 , 660 , 620 , 650

b) 690 , 670 , 700 , 680

c) 670 , 690 , 680 , 650

d) 610 , 650 , 600 , 630

3) Select the numbers that represent the order from least to greatest.

a) 701 , 715 , 743 , 731 , 712

b) 731 , 743 , 715 , 701 , 712

c) 712 , 743 , 701 , 731 , 715

d) 701 , 712 , 715 , 731 , 743

The digit 2 has the greatest value in which of the following numbers?

a. 1,206

b. 1,324

c. 12,496

d. 146,527

5) Identify the place value of each underlined digit.


a. hundreds

b. tens

c. ones

d. thousands

6) 1,843

a. ones

b. tens

c. thousands

d. ten thousands

Which of the following numbers shows a number two in the thousands place?

a. 3,402

b. 8,024

c. 20,685

d. 32,102

Which of the following numbers shows the 5 in the tens place?

a. 6,759

b. 45

c. 508

d. 1,115