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Sheet # 507 Estimation/Rounding

1) Mr. Petrovich has 99 coins in his collection. He plans to add another 74 to his collection this year. What is the best estimate of the number of coins Mr. Petrovich will have at the end of this year?

A) 200

B) 150

C) 170

D) 160

2) On Liz's vacation she planned to travel 297 kilometers on a train. If the train had traveled 47 kilometers, what is the best estimate of the number of kilometers she had left to travel?

A) 300

B) 350

C) 200

D) 250

3) Maple Grove Elementary School had a jump rope contest. Keith jumped 293 times. Cathy jumped 412 times. What is the best estimate of how many more times Cathy jumped than Keith?

A) 200

B) 600

C) 150

D) 100

4) A total of 141 cupcakes were made at the bakery. Only 96 cupcakes were sold . What is the best estimate of how many cupcakes made were NOT sold?

A) 200

B) 37

C) 55

D) 40