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Sheet # 16/Mixed Problems

Name: _____________________ Date_____________

1) A shirt regularly sells for $22.50. It is on sale at a15% discount. The sales tax is 8.5%.

a) What is the total price of the shirt on sale, including sales tax?



b) In determining the total price of the shirt, is there a difference between:

- adding the sales tax before subtracting the discount?


- adding the sales tax after subtracting the discount?




2) Every week Jake mows the lawn. Each time he mows, he cuts 1 inch off the top of the grass. If g equals the length of the grass he mows and m equals the length of the grass after he mows. Write the equation to find the length of the grass after Jake mows the lawn.



3) Each day, approximately 60 million plastic bottles are thrown away in the United States. On an average, how many plastic bottles are thrown away in the United States per hour?




4) Once a week, Mr. Taylor selects one name out of a box to win a free CD. If there are 16 girls' and 20 boys' names in the box, what is the probability that a girl will be selected?




5) Julie sold 125 frozen juice bars and 150 ice cream cones on Saturday. She made a total of $500. Julie sold each ice cream cone for $2.25. What is the cost of each frozen juice bar?