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Sheet # 81

Name: ________________________ Date_____________

1. If gasoline cost $1.03 per gallon and Mrs. Bailey bought 13 gallons, how much did she spend?




2. One brand of batteries cost $1.64 for 3 and another brand cost $2.55 for 6.

a. How much did each battery cost?

 b. What was the best buy?




3. Sally wants to buy a tennis racket that cost $25.32. She gets paid $4.30 an hour. How many hours will she have to work to get at least $25.32?




4. Mrs. Sanders wants to buy enough pizza for her whole class of 21. If 1 pizza will serve 4 1/2 students, how many pizzas will she have to buy to feed 21 students?




5. Anjali bought 6 packs of gum for $1.35. Each pack has 5 pieces of gum. How much does each piece of gum cost?





6. Sugar cost 89 cents for 5 pounds. How much would 20 pounds cost?  




7. Mrs. Bailey bought 18 plastic spoons for 99 cents. How much would each spoon cost?