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Sheet # 11

Name: _____________________ Date_____________

Use drawings, words, or numbers to explain how you got your answer.

1) Santa, Santa, here is my list. My list has 22 toys, 4 movies, and 7 video games. Then I added 9 books I wanted and scratched off 3 toys. How many items do I have on my list?

2) Santa, Santa listen to my busy month. I spent 5 hours at the mall on Saturday doing my Christmas shopping. Then I went on Sunday for 2 hours. I did the same thing for 3 weekends! How many hours did I spend Christmas shopping?

3) Santa, Santa I am so broke. I spent $10 on my Dad, $5 on my Mom, and $2 on my brother. I only had $20 to spend. Do I have any money left?

4) Santa, Santa what should I do? My teacher said to learn my multiplication facts but I would rather write to you! I will spend 30 minutes each night studying and 20 minutes writing you. If I start at 7:00 p.m., will I be done to watch my favorite movie at 8:00 p.m.?