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Sheet # 7/Sevens

Name: _____________________ Date_____________

Show your work

1. How many weeks are there in 98 days? in 119 days? in 252 days?



2. If a set of 7 music CDs costs $77, then what is the cost of each CD?



3. If 7 boys together buy a computer for $91, then how much should each boy pay?



4. If 7 girls share a box of 99 ribbons, then how many ribbons can each girl have? How many will be left over?



5. The Brown children made 105 cookies. The cookies must last a week. How many cookies can the children have each day?



6. The Girl Scouts made 112 cookies. They must sell all of them in one week. How many cookies should they sell each day?



7. Eighty-four TVs must be sold in one week. How many TVs should be sold each day?



8. Ninety-one computers must be sold in one week. How many computers should be sold each day?



9. There are 119 pages in the book. Tom should finish in one week. How many pages should he read each day?



10. Kim should write 126 words in her notebook in one week. How many words should she write each day?